About Leiden Law Conference

Leiden Law Academy organises around 200 courses each year for the legal profession, notarial profession, the judiciary and public prosecutors, and other professionals working in the business sector and government. Each year we welcome more than 2,500 course participants. The courses are taught by a mix of our excellent academic staff and renowned specialists from the field.
Post graduate education
Lawyers can no longer do without retraining and lifelong development. Postgraduate education at Leiden Law School offers you, as a legal professional, the opportunity to choose from a wide range of top-quality courses, provided by the very best lecturers from academia and practice.
The courses offered include a wide range of short (refresher) courses in almost all areas of the law, as well as various specialisation programmes (six-month courses with a final exam). The focus is on blended forms of learning, which means that traditional in-person education is supplemented with online teaching methods in a digital learning environment.
The ability to 'escape' from the busy office and be part of an inspiring learning environment at Leiden University’s Old Observatory or the Academy Building, ensure that participants enjoy coming to Leiden. Another attractive aspect are the network opportunities with fellow course participants and our Leiden academic staff and guest lecturers.
Special relationship with alumni
Each year, around 250 to 325 alumni come to the unique Old Observatory for the 'Leiden revisited' event, choosing one of eight sessions dealing with almost all major areas of the law that the faculty represents. This event helps to strengthen the special relationship with our alumni.
As an alumnus of Leiden University you are offered a discount on the courses offered by Leiden Law Academy. Please state clearly when you register that you are an alumnus.
Old Observatory in Leiden
Leiden Law Academy is located in the historical Old Observatory (Oude Sterrewacht in Dutch), the oldest remaining university observatory in the world.
Following a major restoration in 2011, the Sterrewacht was restored to its former glory. Since 1633, Leiden University has used the various spaces for teaching students. Nowadays the renewed zinc domes shine once again in the sunlight. Astronomy students also follow their practical training here.