• Start date:
  • 13 December 2024
  • Duration:
  • 1 daypart
  • Legal area:
  • Algemeen, Bestuurs(proces)recht
  • Course:
  • Conference

About the conference 
The Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of Leiden University will organise the 2024 edition of the yearly ‘Constitutional Law Conference’ (Staatsrechtconferentie). It will take place at the Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw in Leiden on December 13th. The central theme of this conference is ‘The Constitution outside the Constitution’.

During the conference, participating scholars will reflect on the ways in which constitutions are shaped by elements that are not found in the actual canonical text. One of the central topics covered is the role of constitutional conventions or constitutive statutes that are not as such part of the canonical text of the Constitution within the scope of the small-c-constitution. In addition, various developments and challenges will be discussed which (may) impact the application of constitutional norms or affect current discussions on constitutionalism (e.g. the emergence of the (digital) administrative state, populism, and climate change).

Conference speakers

  •  Prof. Thomas Beukers (Professor of Institutional Law and Practice of the European Union, University of Amsterdam)
  • Dr. Vestert Borger, LLM (Assistant Professor of European Union Law, Leiden University)
  • Dr. Gert Jan Geertjes, LLM (Assistant Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Leiden University)
  • Dr. Giulia Gentile, LLM (Lecturer in Law, Essex School of Law)
  • Prof. Aileen Kavanagh (Professor of Constitutional Governance, Trinity College Dublin)
  • Ola Al Khatib, LLM (PhD Candidate at Utrecht University)
  • Prof. Roel de Lange (Professor emeritus of Constitutional Law and Comparative Constitutional Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Prof. Ingrid Leijten (Professor of Dutch and European Constitutional Law, Tilburg University)
  • Prof. Anne Meuwese (Professor of Public Law & Governance of Artificial Intelligence, Leiden University)
  • Dr. Luísa Pinto e Netto, LLM (Assistant Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Leiden University)
  • Siân McGibbon (Doctoral Student at University College London)
  • Prof. Jerfi Uzman (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Mila Versteeg (Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law)
  • Prof. Wim Voermans (Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Leiden University)

Target audience 
Legal scholars, Public servants and anyone else interested in the central theme of the conference

Remote attendance      
Remote attendance is not available for this conference.


Do you have any questions?
We will gladly answer them.

E-mail: events@law.leidenuniv.nl
Phone: +31 (0)71 527 8666
All contact details


Conference day: The Constitution outside the Constitution
Friday 13 December 2024


Registration with coffee & tea


Welcome (Wim Voermans)


Keynote Lecture 1
The Time of Constitutional Law (Roel de Lange)


Keynote Lecture 2
The Constitution within the constitution (Aileen Kavanagh)

11:20 Coffee Break


Keynote Lecture 3
Constitutional aspects of the regulation of AI (Anne Meuwese)


Keynote Lecture 4
Why Constitutions Fail (Mila Versteeg)




Announcements on behalf of the Dutch Association of Constitutional Law (in Dutch)

  • The winner of the Dutch Association of Constitutional Law
    Master’s Thesis Prize 2024.
  • The winner of the Dutch Association of Constitutional Law
    PhD Thesis Prize 2021-2024.
  • Date and Subject of the Constitutional Law Conference 2025
    (VU University Amsterdam).


Lunch break


Workshop Session 1

  • Legal Protection Against the Algorithmic Leviathan in The Netherlands, Italy and The United Kingdom
    (Ola Al Khatib, Giulia Gentile, Siân McGibbon)
    Chair: Ane Meuwese


  • Unwritten Constitutionalism in Politics and the Judiciary: What Concept for What Context?
    (Jerfi Uzman, Gert Jan Geertjes)
    Chair: Geerten Boogaard


Coffee Break


Workshop Session 2

  • The Spitzenkandidaten procedure in the EU
    (Thomas Beukers, Vestert Borger)
    Chair: Luc Verhey
  • New rights
    (Luísa Pinto e Netto, Ingrid Leijten)
    Chair: Hans-Martien ten Napel



18:30 End of the conference


mr. O.A. Al Khatib
prof. dr. Thomas Beukers Leiden Law Academy
prof. dr. T. Beukers
Dr. Vestert Borger LLM Juridisch PAO Leiden
dr. V. Borger LLM
mr. dr. G.J.A. Geertjes
Dr Giulia Gentile Leiden Law Academy
dr. G. Gentile LLM
Aileen Kavanagh Leiden Law Academy
prof. A. Kavanagh
prof. dr. Ingrid Leijte Leiden Law Academy
prof. dr. A.E.M. Leijten LLM
Siân Mcgibbon Leiden Law Academy
S. McGibbon
prof. dr. Anne Meuwese Leiden Law Academy
prof. dr. A.C.M. Meuwese
Luica Pinto E Netto Leiden Law Academy
dr. L.C.P. e Netto LLM
prof. mr. Jerfi Uzman
prof. mr. J. Uzman
prof. Mila Versteeg Leiden Law Academy
prof. M. Versteeg
voermans docent bij pao leiden
prof. dr. W.J.M. Voermans
Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw

Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES LEIDEN

€ 112,50 (excluding VAT)
including lunches and digital conference materials

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